Neon & Chrome: Exploring Cyberpunk Red

<Excerpt extracted from draft copy, author identity designation: A.Brig.04.02>
Hello, and thank you for considering your position at ATO Opportunities! As a subsidiary of the prestigious Arasaka Corporation, know that you and your well being are of the utmost importance to us, and that we offer gainful employment to all walks of life. We know it’s a competitive market out there, but our anti-extraction team is amongst the finest, able to handle even the most drastic defensive negotiations with extreme precision and care. WNS News most recently rated us in the top ten most reliable companies operating in Night City, a fact that our founder and CEO Mr. Monsalve holds to the highest degree. No expense was spared in our cybersecurity, employing top of the market netrunners using the most advanced versions of BlackICE.
So once again, thank you for taking us into your consideration. After all, a Talk with ATO, is A Talk of Opportunities!

The Brews:

While talking about the finer points of James S. A. Corey Caliba’s War Andrew enjoyed a sugar filled Monster to get through this episode and Jose found his serenity with a delicate canned Peach Oolong Tea he found at this favorite asian store.