Long ago in the bygone year of 2016, an aspiring game master named Jose gathered his work friends to run the Dungeons & Dragon 5th Edition starter adventure, the Lost Mines of Phandelver. With no short supply of imagination nor pork rinds, the group soon began tackling greater adventures (and adversaries), restoring the Ordning in Storm King’s Thunder.
Distance would not get in the way of their endeavors, and for Tomb of Annihilation they brought an end to the Death Curse online, allowing them to connect across the Material Plane.
However, after experiencing burnout from Dragon Heist (which honestly we should give it another chance), Jose remembered that he had another friend that could DM the group, one forged in the fires of 3.5 Ed., who also wouldn’t shut up about D&D.
That DM’s name was Andrew, who immediately bit off more than he can chew by running Curse of Strahd. But even then, the group brought light and salvation in their own chaotic way to the fog filled lands of Barovia.
It was from these experiences that prompted Jose to start a podcast, so that they could share these tales of mischievous heroism and the lessons they’ve learned from their side of the screen. And oh, the grievous lessons they have learned since…
Suspected cannibal and token metalhead
Tax evader... has a weird history with doors and constantly mispronouces words
Got traumatized in a campaign and has never let that go... also tends to craft handmade things.
Mechanic of the group all around outdoorsman and pretty chill dude
Aspiring SpongeBob trivia champion
Mothman "Enthusiast". Actual professional Game Master